The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning. Ivy Baker Priest
After 25 straight years of working 9:00 to 5:00 (with only a few days between jobs for the 10 years before that!) I've finally retired and realized my dream of writing full time. I took a few days off to rest, regroup and read some of the treasures in by TBR pile, and now here I am, trying to figure out what it means to write full time.
First I realized that full time at home, where my time is my own, does not mean sitting in front of the computer all day, every day, creating worlds where every heroine finds her perfect hero (although that, of course is the goal). Eventually the bathroom has to be cleaned and the carpets vacuumed. Food has to be cooked and consumed. Impatient birds demand seeds in the feeders. Family requires attention.
Then there is my muse, who has her own agenda. I call her Dorothy. I picture her as sort of cranky TinkerBell. She may or may not lead me to fantastical places like OZ, but she definitely has plans for me. She's more than a little dismayed that the cowboy books, so long on my flash drive, are not finished and on an editor's desk. She wonders if the coming of age story that takes place in my beloved Kentucky, will ever see the light of day.
I answer, of course, yes. Those stories, and others, will be finished, published and lauded.
But when? Dorothy whines.
Soon, I say. Just let me sweep the kitchen floor, and I'll get right on it.
I'll be posting on a Monday/Wednesday/ Friday schedule. I'm hoping to have some writer friends contribute guest postings, sharing their wisdom and tips for staying at the keyboard even while life intrudes.
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